A Riddle ~Christina Rossetti

A Riddle 
~Christina Rossetti
There is one that has a head without an eye,
And there's one that has an eye without a head.
You may find the answer if you try;
And when all is said,
Half the answer hangs upon a thread.


Anonymous said...

Hello teacher I am P.Yogadhashini from 6V.The answer is pins and needles

Daarshini Rajeswara said...

Hi,teacher. I am R.Daarshini from 6V. I also think the answer is pins and needles. Thank you.

thomas said...

Teacher I am Caelyn from 6 V . Now I now the answer is pins and needles.

Unknown said...

Hi,teacher I am Pugalinny from 5V. The answer is pins and needles.

Anonymous said...

Hi beta im so skibidi, pls the answer is mybuutt

Anonymous said...

Anonymous beta, I agree

Anonymous said...

i think the butt is suppa duppa big, and could feed a family of 20

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